Fee / Remuneration
In addition to the quality of the content, an essential component of good legal advice is a remuneration that is transparent, fair and economical for both sides. We are therefore happy to answer questions about compensation at any time. Here are a few key points:
The initial contact with our experts is always free of charge and without obligation. Whether you contact us by telephone, e-mail, contact form or in any other way – we will answer the question of whether, when and, if applicable, also on what terms we can help you without charge. This applies all the more if your inquiry is not one of our areas of expertise or if we are unable to accept new orders at the moment for capacity reasons. A substantive examination of your case does not yet take place during the initial contact.
In many cases, the initial contact is followed by a first consultation, usually in the context of an appointment in our office, if desired also by video or telephone. The facts of the case are then recorded and an initial examination of the content and answering of legal questions takes place. You will get to know our responsible experts and can discuss how further cooperation can be structured. If it remains with the oral initial consultation, we charge a flat rate of 190 € plus VAT. If a written summary is desired, the flat rate is 250 € plus VAT.
If a further assignment is made after the initial consultation, we will agree a suitable remuneration model with you for this. The following main options are available:
- Time-based fee: In most cases, we agree on a time-based fee, so that the remuneration is calculated according to the actual time spent working on your mandate. We record the time spent in units of 0.1 hours, i.e. 6 minutes. As a rule, billing is monthly and includes a precise list of all activities performed. In the run-up, we talk to you transparently about the expected effort and, if necessary, also form delimited work packages.
- Fees according to the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (Lawyers’ Fees Act): If we take legal action, we are legally obliged to charge at least the fees according to the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (Lawyers’ Fees Act, RVG). These are calculated on the basis of the value of the matter in dispute and the statutory fee rates. Here, too, we estimate the likely fees in advance and discuss them with you as far as possible.
- Flat rate: In many cases we can offer a flat rate. This is particularly possible in the case of drafting (for example, the drafting of a contract, a will, the formation documents for a company, etc.) or other definable partial activities. When assessing the lump sum, we take into account the expected expenditure of time and the importance and urgency of the matter.
Common to all remuneration models is that we as lawyers cannot guarantee in advance the successful enforcement of your claims or the successful defense against the claims of the opponent. The outcome of legal proceedings depends on many different aspects that can only be influenced to a limited extent by legal work. However, the unavoidable cost risks of the legal dispute can be reduced or even eliminated if legal expenses insurance is in place or a litigation financier is involved. If necessary, please contact us actively about these possibilities.