Corporate Law, Start-up Advice
In the area of corporate law, we advise shareholders and management bodies on all questions of proper structuring and drafting, in particular by preparing tailor-made articles of association, service agreements, rules of procedure for the management, including suitable emergency or succession arrangements.
As a rule, all documents are prepared by us ready for signature, insofar as notarisation is necessary, we coordinate the relevant dates and transmit the contract documents ready for reading to the respective notary’s office.
We advise start-up entrepreneurs and foreign companies wishing to establish subsidiaries in Germany on questions of the right legal form, the appropriate structuring and design of the respective company and, in this context, also provide detailed instructions on how to subsequently fill the once selected structure with life and implement it in a legally compliant manner.
As a rule, we also prepare all necessary contracts ready for signature or notarisation and coordinate any necessary notary appointments.
At the level of the employment contracts, regulations to ensure that the respective activity is exempt from social security contributions are incorporated if necessary and mirrored by suitable provisions in the articles of association. If the management bodies are not at the same time majority shareholders, we also accompany the recommendable status determination procedure with the German Pension Insurance.
From a tax point of view, we cooperate with the respective tax advisor on all the above-mentioned issues or, if necessary, arrange contacts with correspondingly specialised tax firms.
Contact for corporate law, start-up advice